It’s time you mastered your own creativity



”Every creative person needs

this book“ - Reader

A Colorful Modern Abstract Painting

Transform chaotic ​creativity into ​focused genius

Welcome, fellow creatives!

Take a moment to pause and breathe deeply. Feel that ​sense of calm? It's time to recalibrate.

Creativity begins within. If you’ve found it challenging to ​bring your creative visions to life, let’s explore what’s ​happening beneath the surface.

In Creative Dysregulation, I'll guide you on a journey to ​uncover the hidden forces affecting your creative flow. ​Some will be familiar, others unexpected. Together, we'll ​implement gentle yet powerful changes that will transform ​your creative process from the inside out.

Get ready to move from chaotic creativity to becoming a ​highly regulated creative powerhouse.





inspired power

Brushstroke Gradient Short Line

What is Creative Dysregulation?

Creative dysregulation is like a bent garden hose where the water can’t flow smoothly. It makes it ​hard to channel your creative energy with ease and flow. When your creative process is blocked and ​tangled, creating becomes difficult, painful, and overwhelming.

When you’re creatively dysregulated, you experience inner imbalances that disrupt consistent and ​sustainable creative work, making it challenging to see yourself as a capable and successful creative.

  • 🚧 Unfinished Projects: You start creative ​projects with enthusiasm but leave many of ​them incomplete or abandoned.

  • 🫣 Procrastination and Avoidance: Stress or ​self-doubt causes you to delay working on ​creative tasks, avoiding them entirely.

  • 🎢 Emotional Rollercoasters: You experience ​intense emotional highs and lows, feeling ​elated at times but quickly discouraged or ​anxious about your work.
  • 😫 Overwhelming Ideas: You have too many ideas at ​once and struggle to choose which ones to focus on, ​leading to indecision and inaction.

  • 🙅 Perfectionism and Criticism: You are highly critical ​of your work, seeking perfection, which makes it hard ​to move forward or feel satisfied with what you've ​created.

  • 😵‍💫 Constant Self-Doubt: You question your creativity ​and abilities, worrying that others might not like or ​appreciate what you create.

The journey to transforming creative ​dysregulation is uniquely yours.

There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution. ​Instead, consider this book your personalized ​map, guiding you as you explore and conquer ​your own creative territory.

The Journey to Creative Regulation

the 5 areas we’ll explore

Blue Brush Dot

rooted in self


Blue Brush Dot


Blue Brush Dot



sense of belonging

showing up fully

Blue Brush Dot


clear vision

Blue Brush Dot

epic at execution

want to know your REGULATION score?

Playful Professional Arrow
Pink Watercolor Stain


Answer 37 questions to get to the heart of

your creative challenges. 100% free.

By discovering where exactly your creative dysregulation ​symptoms are coming from, you will have the clarity and tools ​to begin making permanent changes.

This zero-cost assessment is a complement to Creative ​Dysregulation, the book, and can also be taken by itself now.



Watercolor Brushstroke Splatter Splash Green Leaf
Circle brush

A quick + engaging read on an important topic not discussed anywhere else that I'm aware of.

In our fast-paced constant consumption culture it seems like a lot of creative projects get left for dead. This is the first time I'm seeing someone address this problem directly. It's the handbook you need to breakthrough your creative dysregulation. Buy it and give CPR to your creativity.

Mike Slavin, Writer at High Existence

Watercolor Brushstroke Splatter Splash Yellow
Circle brush

Very powerful take on creative unlocks.

This is the most compelling articulation of a widespread phenomenon - of how people get stuck when they lean into creativity. As we shift into a culture where it is easier to create and share this kind of book is invaluable. Well done.

Paul Millerd, Author of The Pathless Path

“This book nails the complexity soup we’re all trying to swim in.” ~ Reader

Brushstroke Gradient Short Thick Line
Watercolor Brushstroke Splatter Splash Orange
Circle brush

A must-read for all creatives.

I devoured this book in a single afternoon and enjoyed it deeply. I read a lot of self-help books, particularly in the creativity realm, and it is rare to find one that is so succinct and so honest. Rather than preaching at you from atop a pedestal, Kelly brings you into her journey and walks hand in hand with you through the mystery of creation and creativity. Highly recommend!

Melody Song, Writer

Abstract Color Paint Powder Explosion
Circle brush

An essential handbook for anyone who struggles to put their work out into the world.

I read the whole book in a single morning — the concept of 'creative dysregulation' is heartbreakingly potent. I found myself resonating both with the vital importance of having a support tribe to help launch creative endeavors and found her 'five experiments' extremely practical, which I fully intend to be applying to my own creative dreams for this year. All in all a phenomenal read!!

Jonny Miller, Podcaster & Nervous System Mastery

Watercolor Brushstroke Splatter Splash Purple
Circle brush

Every creative person needs this book.

You need to read this book. So many of us find ourselves stuck when trying to get our ideas out into the world. This book will identify those ways, and give you the tools and actionable steps to get yourself unstuck. Compulsively readable, warm, wise, and entertaining, it feels like the very best advice from a good friend who knows exactly how to get from stalled to starting—and finishing. I'm so grateful for this book, and want every creative person I know to read it.

Rob Tourtelot, Writer & Coach

What READERS ARE creating after

(or WHILE) reading

BOOKS, APPS, albums, oh my!

About the author


Kelly Wilde Miller is a multi-disciplinary artist, ​creativity coach and group facilitator with an extensive ​track record of having bold ideas and big feelings.

After failing to complete any one of her thousand 'good' ideas over the ​course of her life, Kelly wondered if she was actually creative. Her desire ​to bring forth what was inside of her drove her a little crazy but also ​fueled an incredible adventure—both inner and outer. Traveling ​extensively around the world, she explored various healing and ​transformational modalities, living the quintessential seeker’s lifestyle ​across Bali, Guatemala, and Oaxaca. She sought answers in unlikely ​places, from consulting with a Mayan Elder and receiving archetypal ​healing Reiki from a Polish woman in Mexico to undergoing esoteric ​chiropractic treatments and good ol’ fashioned therapy. Gradually, Kelly ​found the answers she sought. She discovered that not only is she ​creative, but her creativity is her raison d'être.

Kelly is now writing her first musical theater production about the good ​girl archetype, expanding ‘Creative Dysregulation’ into an improved ​printed book, developing 'Create & Thrive,' a coaching and community ​platform for boundless creative self-expression, and championing the ​creative dreams of anyone who will let her. She currently lives in Boulder ​with her husband and her muse, a golden retriever.

Triangle Accent Marks


🎙️ on the AIR

podcast appearances



Vector Texture, Lots of Shards of Different Sizes. Blot, Paint Splashes or Pieces of Chalk